Full Movies

They Reach (2020) | Full Horror Movie | Mary Madaline Roe | Morgan Chandler | Eden Campbell

It’s 1979, and a 13-year-old science nerd stumbles upon a possessed tape player and accidentally unleashes a demonic entity. She recruits her two best friends to fight the beast before it devours more souls in the small town of Clarkston.

Cast:Mary Madaline Roe, Morgan Chandler, Eden Campbell
Director:Sylas Dall

#horror #thriller #horrormovie #thrillermovie


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  1. I Really EnJoYeD This Movie! Thx!!!👍

  2. @Onlypeachy says:

    Excellent movie. I love all kinds of horror. Thanks for sharing.

  3. "A movie where kids are actually kids instead of 30ish!!"😮😅😂🤣😂😋😜😝🤔🤨🧐🙄😒😤😠😡🤬😕🥺😬🤐🤫😱🤯😨😣😩😞🥴😵‍💫😵🙀😿😾♥️🧒🧑‍💼💐🌅🌄🏖️⭐🌔🌕🌖

  4. 👀👍🏽😍-Interesting & scary at the same time! Highly recommended!

  5. What the song name

  6. Not a bad movie 🎦

  7. Family ending 😂😂😂

  8. @johnhill369 says:

    Car ride, bike ride, car ride, bike ride, bleed on cursed object, take three hours to eat one corn dog that reanimates itself, bad acting, bad acting, annoying little girl who can't act and needs punched in the face, boring dialog, bad acting, more boring writing, bad acting, THE END! 💩👎🤮

  9. She even tells them stay away from case a warning and the girl says get the case

  10. The music in this movie is so cheesey

  11. 00:39 10/11/2023 Wednesday

    Yes Sir!! Now, this is the type of ending every movie should have; a good ending! 10/10 💯

  12. Coooool movie

  13. It's Canadian "Stranger Things" called "Unusual Stuff" 😂

    Not bad.

  14. @Kim-lj6jp says:

    Pretty Good Thanks 👍

  15. Good flik, creepy, intense, happy ending 😂😢

  16. Everyone that said this movie is good is a kid stuck in a kid,this movie ain't s___👎👎👎👎 and not a true story

  17. Why do every EVIL spirit need blood, why not hot coco 🤔

  18. Great movie 👍

  19. Not even jumping ahead made this absolutely slow movie any better. Go paint something and watch it dry, it will satisfy you 100 percent more.

  20. Christopher's B Movie Review: No Story Spoilers…
    Great 70's props and features like the shag carpet, everybody smoking, dial wall phone, cars, costumes etc. It would be nice if they could have purchased license to play actual 70's music just 2 songs were authentic , can you guess which ones?. Decent acting, good characters, (P.S. love corn dogs, and the sack of potatoes lol), specially like the librarian story twist (Mary Beth Moonstar/Sugar Momma my fav character lol). The white cop is one of the guys you love to hate he's a great dirtbag. The black cop is little lackluster, maybe cast Kevin Hart as the sheriff lol.. The other 2 cops are great, both are dumb as rocks. The dad is a hot dad bod (take your shirt off buddy lol!), the wife totally typical 70's wife sexist role, good portrayal. Some decent gore moments/jump scares. Great ending twist. Kinda of a Goonies/Stranger Things/Goosebumps/Exorcist vibe. Good flashback use. but story moves a little slow at times but still a GREAT hidden gem.
    In conclusion, great script and with the addition of a better soundtrack and one actor change, this would be a great Netflicks/Amazon Prime/Disney Prime Series.
    3.9 Head Tattoos out 5. Great Halloween movie to watch

  21. Everyone has their own opinions. I for one Love this Movie and the Ending is a Twist a good one I didn't see coming

  22. So glad I stumbled upon this one

  23. Ok, tgey talked about Heart and Barracuda but never played it. Well, I watched the whole thing. I didn't totally hate it.

  24. grab the potatoes and run hahahahha!!!!!!

  25. Freekin Loved it!!!👍👍

  26. @jacklow9611 says:

    Kind of a stupid title, but not a bad movie. Most of the music seemed inappropriate, except maybe the last song.

  27. I love the end music,I used to listen to it all the time.Excellent movie

  28. Thank you for the share,watching from Newfoundland,Canada❤❤❤

  29. ME too I love movies like this a lot

  30. @onetime1828 says:

    I had no idea you can shoot a movie with a android phone. You learn something new every day

  31. @wayne9094 says:

    Weird things do happen . In 1973 a mother called a doctor to look at her son. And asked for a doctor to come to the house. Because her 13 year old son had to be locked in his room.
    Before that day her son was like any average American teenager she told the doctor. But during lunch the sons face started getting disfigured as if all the muscles in his face just went soft. And then she heard a crack and another.
    And it looked to her the sons both arms got dislocated and we're hanging backwards. The son in seconds got wild. Jumping up from the table moving his upper body back and forth with arms just dislocated and hanging ànd swinging going after the mother. Slapping his arms at her screaming so loud it made her sick to know this is her son.
    So a doctor and physical therapist went to the home. They opened the door to the sons room. And he was so disfigured. The doctor and therapist could not stop their faces from looking in shock with the mother next to them. The son gets up and as he starts screaming some of the teeth in his mouth shot out while the rest had fallen in the sons mouth.
    The therapist got hit in the eye with a tooth. Then the son started the flapping with his dislocated arms again going after the doctor. Screaming with more teeth and saliva getting in the doctors face. When the therapist went to hold the son getting behind him.
    The sons neck made a snap and the sons head feel to one side resting his cheek on his shoulder. Then another snap and one of the sons legs kinked at the knee sideways dropping the son to the floor as if the son had no knee cap. Or lower leg attached. So strange things do happen.
    Like with me personally. Things like writing a made up story just as I have here.Things that never really happened.😊

  32. @danny543 says:

    That was kick ass kant believe I never seen it before 🎉

  33. Good movie,I love the end

  34. I'm watching it now! We shall see. — Bill Fisher

  35. @TheNJ93487 says:

    Ooo, good movie. If they're just reaching, they're still strategically cursed.

  36. Good vid 👍👍👍

  37. @entronics says:

    Where does she keep getting the corndogs!?

  38. What a fun little horror movie. Thoroughly enjoyed the period set pieces plus the music was fantastic.

  39. I really enjoyed this movie….. the late 70's awesome time line … very interesting must watch in my opinion..

  40. Great sounds track

  41. @leber99 says:

    I dont think blinds were a thing yet. Set department goofed. At least the fame wood ones. Lol

  42. Very good movie!

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