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Homecoming | Full Movie | Horror Survival Thriller | Jordan Belfi

Staying in the house she grew up in, Katie is forced to face a past she’s tried hard to forget. When Katie was 13, she lost both parents in a car accident for which she feels responsible, a boy she liked was found murdered, and another boy vanished altogether. Ready to put the past behind her and reconnect with her childhood friends, she plans a reunion. Everyone is thrilled to have Katie back, and they settle down in Katie’s old house for a candlelit night of drinking and sharing memories. But one of Katie’s old friends doesn’t want the past unearthed, and will do anything to keep it buried—even if it means stacking up fresh bodies. Katie and her friends are trapped, terrified, and left wondering, who will die next?
2005. Stars: Jordan Belfi, Jeridan Frye, Femi Emiola
*Licensed from Leomark Studios. All rights reserved*

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  1. I have watched this so many times, still see parts where I missed something

  2. Was good movie thanks for uploading this video

  3. Could have been a good movie,but the sound was all over the place.

  4. This girl sure has a uniform fetish. Anyone showing up outside her house, doing god knows what, she invites inside. I'm afraid to see what happens next—I'm out.

  5. @russeli1941 says:

    Pete the meat is a real charmer huh?

  6. Best Quote Never said… @51:08 "Do you know what this party needs?"… Let me fill in the blank if you were brave enough to stay along for this show… The answer is a plot, a storyline, and any actor that can carry this cast of wannabes. Just a clue to future actors… if they are paid in beer and lunch, not a good gig, get a better agent!

  7. So….. they're in the attic and the only thing keeping them from yelling to they're friends or getting out is breakable glass? The stupid is strong with this group. And what's up with the snow that doesn't land on anything??🤣🤣🤣

  8. This movie was trash 🗑️ so bad I must report haha

  9. Great movie. Watched in full! Thanks for sharing

  10. That sexists foul mouth creep sure in right bness dealing with feces. U become what u do. Shes gonna let this creep in her home. No sane person not sell that place. I mean ur friend chopped ip burned discarded killer never found. Si far pretty stupid crude. Typical contemp lo class. Well at least girl decent person.

  11. More stupid. She gets out of her fikthy bayh water to find br door open. Then just goes to bed. I know im frustrated movie critic. Fun making comments.

  12. Their fat upper lips really sad.

  13. Worst show ever

  14. @johnny-r says:

    This could have worked at an hour and thirty minutes. Generous 2/5. But either way, thanks MOVIE CENTRAL. You have some good ones.

  15. bro this movie hit difrent fr

  16. Smart move for snapping the flashes to blind your father while he is driving!
    Crash….boom… all dead!

  17. All the actions in this movie doesn’t make any sense. Lol.. dumb dumb dumb!

  18. I'm so confused!

  19. Man , another movie with no captions…

  20. I can't hear you…😮

  21. Why don't all movies have close captions ?

  22. One of the worst films, my 7 yr old can write better than this. Who pays for this crap to be made?

  23. Sleeping pills dont work that fast inknow we all know that

  24. 🤭🤭😂😂😂👻👻👻👻👻😞😞🙏🙏😂🙏🙏🏳️‍🌈🌈🎃🎃🎃🎃👿😲😲👿👿👿🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🥶🥶🥶☠️☠️☠️🎃🎃🎃

  25. @nouib.3065 says:

    Blah, is there part 2??? He got away !!! Sighs…

  26. @precpres says:

    Different, but good.

  27. @lesreed8803 says:

    4:46🎉❤😊 the only one I have left sounds a lot like the first born child always worrying😢

  28. Never heard the term 'swamp ass' before. Had to google. 😂🤔
    I'm at the hour mark & bored to tears. I just hope this gets better. 💤💤

  29. Corney! Bad acting.

  30. Megusto un poco al final no se enguedo el malo pero bueno algo para entretenerte ok

  31. Sounds good from the description… I'm excited! Review will be added after i watch! ❤

    This was a pretty good movie! The suspense doesn't stop. You don't really know what's what and who's who until the end. I love movies that keep me guessing. This one is definitely in that category 😂❤❤❤❤

  32. @philrichey says:


  33. CC would be nice for deaf – cheaper to just not bother with CC who cares about the deaf anyway – they are living their own horror survival thriller for real in this world.

  34. Kinda lost me in some places. Not a horrible movie, but just a little confusing at times.

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