I said I would never EVER do this…
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Discover the true meaning of fear in Alien: Isolation, a survival horror set in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger. Fifteen years after the events of Alien™, Ellen Ripley’s daughter, Amanda enters a desperate battle for survival, on a mission to unravel the truth behind her mother’s disappearance.
As Amanda, you will navigate through an increasingly volatile world as you find yourself confronted on all sides by a panicked, desperate population and an unpredictable, ruthless Alien.
This 10 year game still geta such a visceral reaction from anybody who plays it and irs been my favorite horror game since day 1 i truly dont thinl theres a better experience than this. From your very first steps around the torrens just au king up that Alien atmosphere and looking at just how well the devs did to recreate the tech and feel of the universe you just know this is going to be something of a masterclass thank you for giving this game the attention it deserves im nit a subscriber…. Yet but i have a feeling i will be by the end of this.
I remember playing this on the ps3
This game has aged so well, a damn shame they never made a sequel.
Fooster, I would LOVE to see you do a series on Dead Space games. To this day, nothing has compared to the horror of that game series and I still have nightmares about it, even though I've not played it in 15 years.
It is not for the faint of heart, but I would love to follow you playing it!!!
Holy shit, I never knew the alien could attack you at the loading Bay Area right after Axel gets killed.
When you say that it can learn your playstyle and mimic countermeasures against you but then you keep taking ten years crawling through one location, do you really think you’re safe? 😂
i was challenged to play through the ENTIRE game in one sitting by a friend, and if i failed i would have to go onto Omegle and dance the Caramel Dance for an hour straight.
safe to say, i chose to dance.
I have yet to play , this game has been downloaded and deleted many times out of fear . I am finally going to get this done .
Hahaha Alien makes my dad jump and when my mum told me that I laughed.
Like not just a small jump a proper jump.
What’s so funny to me is after dozens and dozens of playthroughs platinum trophy and all the xeno still gives me fucking anxiety
I played Alien:Isolation a lot when I was younger being a huge fan of the original Alien, love how we’re transported right back into the atmosphere of the 1970’s used future aesthetic along with coming face to face with the Alien creature!
I guess you did it for the audience but your game seems very bright. I'm my game the places are much darker and yet you can still see but it makes it so much scarier.
Wasn't ripley daughter called Amy
Marshal Waits is voiced by William Hope, aka LT Gorman from "Aliens" (1986)…
bros only objective is to never save, i swear this guy be only saving every 2 missions. Like SAVE MORE BROOOOOOOO
What difficulty did you end up playing this on? That early drop at the tram station after meeting Axel seemed like it was a Hard Mode event. Either that or you drew it down by sprinting.
Fun fact, in the medical bay when the alien first arrives after your get the pass code from Morley's computer it's stuck in an animation and you have enough time to sprint to the door and put in the passcode
Bro! You search for things really frustrated me. Stick to the mission!😂😂😂
UGH! Bro! You're giving me a heart attack everytime you keep rummaging around!🤦♂️😆
Brooo you need to hide and wait. Im so frustrated!😆🤦♂️
There’s just one thing…out here, nobody can hear you scream, or help you… once you die..it’s as if nobody will remember you name or even know you exited…Be careful, be wise, because once you Float of in space, it’s time to say..Goodbye….
Broooo the locker is literally right there. 😂
if your going to watch the alien movies i say watch them in this order, alien Prometheus, alien covenant, alien, aliens, alien 3, alien isolation and alien resurrection.
I've only recently stumbled upon your channel but I'm so glad I did. As fun as your gameplays and commentary are to watch, I love how you take the game seriously. So many game creators just joke around too much sometimes and for me, I find it hard to immerse myself in the game because of that. Great job in playing this game btw. I absolutely never could 😂
Lol wjy dont you take any maps? Its fune for earlier ganes hut later on? You eill be lost
Recently been watching your alien isolation game & really enjoyed your game play commentary & hearing the panic in your voice. I'm amazed you didn't die in the nest from an alien that is I died many times still throughout my whole game I had nothing but bad luck wrong place wrong time plus I invited drama because I explored everywhere not just for stuff especially rare items but just to get the most out of the game. Just want to suggest something now you completed the game which is overlooked I think by everyone that plays it. If you think about all the places unexplored because you didn't have an ion & plasma torch well at the end of the game you have all that so what I did I replayed all the stories & went to all those unexplored areas as well as by transit train where many places were left unseen this adds a whole new gaming experience. The story itself is complete but you can still go to all the areas not explored before & also the alien is still part of the game. Another good thing is you collect so many more items that your well stocked & prepared for anything that cones your way. I got half way through hard difficulty & gave up as the alien was just too hard to get past. Great game though ,so realistic & authentic to how the movies were. Wish another game had been released.
Just when I thought I had kicked my habit of watching Alien Isolation videos you go and start it up again.
Playing this game for the first time right now and I’m in love with it
why didn't they make a movie out of this . the story is great.
I think this is the first video of yours that I've come across, and I have to say, I'm impressed! Your humor getting through the scary situations is great, and you're an engaging player. I'm excited to make it through this playlist and look at the rest of your catalog:)
Bro can I just say, I understand the fear. There’s something terrifying about something chasing you that can’t be defeated in anyway. You just feel helpless.
Does it also infuriate anyone else that he barely saves!
1:28:34 throwback to The Amanda Show on Nickelodeon, anyone?