Full MoviesHorror

Trapped in Sleep Paralysis with a Demon | Dead Awake

Kate Bowman (Jocelin Donahue) is an average social worker who is investigating the mysterious deaths of people in their sleep. Shortly before their deaths, the victims all reported a supernatural force that appeared to them while they were suffering from sleep-paralysis. When Kate investigates further into the case, she opens herself up to the creature’s wrath, and soon finds herself, and her family suffering from an ancient evil.

2016. Stars: Jocelin Donahue, Jesse Bradford, Jesse Borrego
Licensed from Archstone Entertainment. All rights reserved

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  1. I liked it ๐Ÿ‘Œ
    To many adds ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

  2. interesting after the french case of the drugged woman by her husband.
    a professional I knew took curare which induces paralysis without ability to move. scarey

  3. lovely ladies, but ….

  4. @DrSoda. says:

    Did you know you can live forever? Jesus, the Son of God, gave His life for us. He was sacrificed for our sins, then resurrected. Repent, follow Jesus, and live forever! He loves you, and has made a new home for you in Heaven!

    – To learn more about Jesus, check out the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John of the New Testament of the Holy Bible. Each book serves as an eyewitness account of the miracles He performed, His sacrifice, and His promise to you!

  5. up mi killa ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ฒ

  6. @adminkewl says:

    Free so good.. but dudes man buns so gey

  7. I had sleep paralysis a few times in my 26 years of life .. I was shook but I wasn't afraid and there was nothing strangling me and there was no demons!! I have strangled myself though with my blankets and woke up gasping for air ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ no ghost tho ! Lol great movie W acting loved it !! Worthy of the views !!โคโคโค

  8. thirlling movie,
    good one

  9. Good movie, I'm watching from South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ.

  10. I've gotten used to it that it stopped happening. When it use to happen I became weird like hey I know u out there I dare u touch me and u get lit up by God's fire lol so confidently that nothing happens and I wake up peacefully I think it's all mental thing

  11. Sleep ๐Ÿ›Œ paralysis is not normal

  12. @zorrosp7483 says:

    very good film.

  13. GOOD MOVIE but dam i hope i never experience that

  14. Then They always Return With 7 Wks Ate More Powerful When Yih Dedwat Your First Attacksr.๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

  15. I Had Gip The Destryer. Dermons Lord Of Addiction Desrurrv Of Lives. The Demon Lord Opression Since I Was 5 Years Old Livi66 On Gatd 18 Hzmpshirs Kane6 358 Lakewood Crystal Illinois. Never Let Semkbs Udr Your Inner Fears Sgsinst Yottself. Ptervurgeist Come Fro5m Your Ken6 Mibd. Ltinextkne WhF Your Fearing With The Spirits

  16. All fine and dandy, but what makes you wake before the mind is ready? And, if the two are out of sync, it's a type of consciousness without the brain. In my experience, my eyes were always closed. It's an un-brain-fettered awareness or supraconciousness. The same one, when you look down and see your lifeless body.

  17. That bit with the cpr. I've kept a junkie who ODd alive by mouth to mouth for over half an hour before the EMT arrived. It can be done.

  18. I am going to watch this movie because I suffer chronic sleep paralysis. I just cant wake up, even tho I am awake then I realize again I am not awake. Very frightening and I don't wish this on anyone, its like i feel like I am in a coma . Each night I have this fear that I won't wake up, but somehow I have managed after year to wake myself up soon as it begins, times i dont, and simply think I did. I am not saying its spiritual but its scary. I dont take drugs nor drink. Hopefully someone is a professional can offer help but i refuse to take any drugs or some doctor's drugs. Hypnosis out of the question.

  19. @Soul-OnFire says:

    I hate when the main character just walks away when another person describes exactly whats happening. Its like denial but in reality it makes the main character look dumb imo. ๐Ÿ˜ข

  20. Great movie I watched twice already.
    It resonates with me. I suffered from sleep paralysis as a child and adult hood. It's a matter of mind and spirit that work together to fight sleep paralysis from my experience

  21. This is something I've been going through since childhood it's no joke

  22. The hype in movies about this occurrence is ridiculous.

  23. @Ru-fh7my says:

    I suffer from sleep paralysis,its frightening enough without a demon.

  24. The blonde doctor was behaving in a cold, neglectful and callous way, which could come across as somewhat suspect – but then again most docs usually project this attitude. But she got her Karma in the end. ๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜‚

  25. I have it often. I was afraid to tell anyone else, because I didn't think they would believe me. Especially the feeling of having an OBE

  26. Did he give her that for her birthday ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  27. @trixie2675 says:

    Excellent movie! ๐ŸŽ‰

  28. @OTENBODOH says:

    Bad Bad movies ๐Ÿ‘Ž

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