00:00 BEST HORROR MOVIES (2025) Trailers
03:45 THE WILD
09:04 28 YEARS LATER
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Well it proves one I'm an old lady. Then it proves that this generation is done for. Then yet again it proves that they have no creativity no brain cells nothing this is the best you got. Lord help us all. When my generation is gone game over to quote my favorite horror movie
Scarieat thing I saw was the TeleTubbies.
Nobody knows how to make a good scary movie anymore. All of these movies are dog shit!! They should be straight to VOD or DVD 😖
Honestly, the only movie on this list that looks even remotely good is 28 years later
These look terrible.
lol Dude they turned Whinny the Pooh into a slasher film, and now Pop-eye. I kinda hope they keep that up, I'd go and see them all, Whinny, Pop-eye, Betty Boop, Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain…….the fucking Looney Toons!
Which movie had the cool looking monster on the thumbnail ?
Popeye? Really?
Looks beyond E LIST….
Movies for Airheads. They should do well. Lol
Someone likes dumb shit.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he never existed..
2025 has the most depraved movies yet. So if you love gore then this is your bag.
Samara is the best
Still waiting for the best horror movies of 2025, none of these are it.
Popeyes revenge? Who approves these movies to be made? Who thought this was a good idea? 😂
Same old horror movie cliche's
This entire thing looks like they're just bringing back eighties slashers
Another "Best Horror Movies of…" got me to click again. Apparently I haven't learned my lesson.
So who was the creepy guy in the thumbnail?
I can’t believe… they’re making a “Popeye the sailer man” horror movie. What the fuck is genuinely wrong with Hollywood. There are thousands of unexplored myths and superstitions… and they decide to make a horror film on an old cartoon that wasn’t even scary. They gotta stop with the horror movie slop for gods sake. There are plenty of paranormal concepts and stories they can do. And they waste a budget on that. Asian mythology and Hindu mythology have some particularly creepy ones. Even in Europe there’s a lot of unexplored horrifying lore. How about a film about changelings but it’s like the film Alien. Where the process of replacing is more horrific. See plenty of concepts to pick from. The popeye concept is just fucking lazy. They could read a damn horror comic plenty of those have unique concepts.
…Popeyes fucking revenge???? Are they fucking serious with this bullshit?
Did they really make Popeye the “killer man”? I hope that’s a joke and they’re trolling for real. If not, what’s next, the Olive Oyl diaries or something?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 They CANNOT be serious with this mess!
The boy in habitants sounds the double of sylar from hereos😂
Popeye? really.
Popeye is going to be fire.
28 years trailer was crazy
Are you there… 🚪 Tamara 🙂
continue the Human Centipede movies?
why all those comedy/gore crap is under the HORROR section! How come the old cartoon characters "gore" became in fashion? How fantastic /super powered movies can be horror!? Jesus, 2025 will be crap year again..! There is only movie there to have a good story, is the "28 years Later"… Havea nice day…
Looks like 2025 is going to be a Crap Year for Horror
Thank you – you have saved me time from watching total rubbish. The only… maybe … when it comes on streaming is… 28 Years Later… the rest…. er… no.