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Flight 7500


From the director of The Grudge comes this spine-chilling journey into fear. On a flight from Los Angeles to Tokyo, a plane is shaken by severe weather. When the turbulence subsides, a passenger suddenly dies-and a supernatural force is unleashed, overtaking the passengers as they desperately fight to figure out what it is and how to stop it.


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  1. What the????????????????????

  2. @AyalaPope says:

    This movie would be so much better if it weren't so DARK. I can't see any facial expressions, small details, nothing. 4/10

  3. Wait… Doesn't make sense then… What about the tooth? What about the guy who died in the first place? That was well before the plane hit turbulance. So did he like have a heart attack or something? because of the Shiganami doll? What is this "Deathnote"?!?!?? We gonna have shiganamis eating apples in the plane now? Poorly written but still cool movie. 6/10

  4. Movie Grade : 60 %

  5. I really enjoy the plot it really had you thinking 🤔 it was a very good…

  6. @lieblee3063 says:

    Sorry I don’t understand this movie.

  7. Everyone is dying cause of a Japanese death doll that is kinda stupid but still a good watch no offense I would not add this to my collection 4out of 10

  8. This movie has my utmost respect, first of all, Alex Frost is in it lmao. Also the movie is a plane crash movie, most people expect that to mean it’s gonna be sally and unrealistic but this is seriously worth any watch.

  9. so… I only watched the last 11 minutes of the film due to it not looking rad. However I believed for a moment that it was a film about a plane with some sort of Ghoul aboard. This hope was dashed quickly as I realized it was instead kinda mid. 4/10

  10. @xoxpepe says:

    This actually happened and movie is based on Helios Airways Flight 522 … uff so scary .

  11. The newly married bridezilla with her only wanting certain people sitting by her then gets the girl that’s sort of punk. And her husband lets her say what his wife says.

  12. i still dont understand what happened with the dude that died in the begining. like how did he die.This was a way better movie than i thought it would be though.

  13. Wholly hell!! That was a great twist in the end.

  14. What a waste of movie. I regret watching it till the end. Damn. On my day off. 😡

  15. Holy crap talk about wasting your shit life 🤦 this movie is a total sack of monkey crap.
    By the end of it your glad all these shitheads r dead and your actually routing for death itself.
    If I could wipe my ass with this phone I would just to add some real talent and purpose to this movie.
    I give it 1 💩 for the hot stewardess

  16. Reminds me of snakes on a plane good movies

  17. very well acted, nice plot

  18. I was waiting for Jodie Foster to appear out of nowhere saying "Where's Julia!" lol

  19. Is that the turbine engine that crashes into Donnie Darko's room? 1:42 Also I like how they did the one jump scare early as a kind of gotcha making you pay more attention just to have to be ready for more of those but it isn't that kind of movie. Also the ending 1:14:30 I wasn't totally sure on but my guess is her main holding onto things is that life is full of horrific things so that is what keeps her attached to existence and she needs to let go of. That's a wild nightmarish premise in itself. Definitely chills to be had on Flight 7500

  20. Didn't see that coming even after reading comments

  21. hey its jason from true blood

  22. @Ninis4u says:

    Surprisingly good movie… Worth the watch…

  23. SPOILER ALERT******SPOILER ALERT******the sixth sense******SPOILER ALERT******SPOILER ALERT

  24. Brought to you by Boeing

  25. Good lord have mercy on my soul…….Forget about the movie
    The beautiful women in it has got me throwrd off, i can't even get into the movie……lol
    (Women). God greatest creation
    Or maybe god herself…….lol

  26. This movie dumb af

  27. I believe there's never too much you can do to a airplane when you ride upon one. I believe you are going by total faith. The slightest little problem can put your life at jeopardy. This movie is showing you how that can happen.

  28. @Ash-iy3xc says:

    I cringed into oblivion when that douche pulled the girls' headphones out

  29. @Ash-iy3xc says:

    I'm watching this in 2024 and realizing Alex Frost's character is the prototypical millennial today

  30. @Ash-iy3xc says:

    Copilot had it made, no lines but was paid as main cast because of how many scenes he's in

  31. @holywells says:

    At 6:02….slight error there….there are no glass items used to serve drinks on aircraft Everything is served in plastic containers.

  32. @tanya9523 says:

    What's the movie about?

  33. Definitely will get you confused, if you don't pay attention…….😮

  34. @y.m9959 says:

    51:46 how come no one hear her full screaming.?

  35. I wish they would make a movie about the death doll me and my wife thought it was the coolest thing in the movie.

  36. Unexpected ending. 10/10

  37. This was not a pg-13 movie.

  38. this was amazing. the amount of chills i had with the plot twist was INSANE.

  39. Very good. I figured it out before the end but still it was a fun watch.

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