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Day of the Dead (2008)

When a small Colorado town is overrun by the flesh hungry dead, a small group of survivors try to escape in a last ditch effort to stay alive. Starring Mena Suvari.


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  1. The worst zombie movie of all time. Horrible. 🤮 👎

  2. I know I am not the only one with a deep hatred for nick cannon….

  3. Stay off the comments. They'll ruin the movie for you.

  4. @VaIerie._ says:

    33:34 SHUT THE HELL UP

  5. Wow they can even climb upside down on the wall. Freaky 😅

  6. Real good movie thank you You Tube

  7. Despite not being a sequel to the 2003 dawn of the dead and not exactly a shot for shot remake of the original day the dead its not too bad

  8. I came to hate this genre. The unreal color and unreal fast cut movement.

  9. @Travon083 says:

    😅😢vc bjvb

  10. Thumbs up if ur living 😅

  11. @HonzoRich says:

    🖕 this sexist movie.

  12. I felt bad for Zombie Bud… =(

  13. Ill give it a 8/10 unique and cool to watch

  14. It’s crazy to watch Ving Rhames play the hard cop who lives in Dawn of the dead just to play a Captain in this and get killed off 30 mins in lmfao SN Did all the survivors die when they reached the island at the end of DOTD?

  15. I never seen this movie nick did good in this movie

  16. firstly, this is by far one of the dumbest movies ever made…
    Secondly… why in the name of hell did they name it DAY of the dead when 99% of the movie takes place at night?

  17. Nick Cannon was an actor? Also, best comedy zombie movie ever! Although, Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse is still one of my faves next to Shaun of the Dead.

  18. Mena Suvari 🤣🤣 Been a while for sure…

  19. screaming so the zombies will come right to you! not to smart! not even what people would do in this situation is tell them where you are!

  20. @LegendofLaw says:

    I never knew zombies can walk across ceilings.

  21. @LegendofLaw says:

    Really? No one helped the black guy while he was fighting off 8 zombies.

  22. @jakespeed23 says:

    Not the original but it'll due🙂

  23. 45:07 damm thats so cold but funny asf at the same time lol

  24. 10:58 is that Nick cannon !?

  25. If it weren't for racism, Nick Cannon wouldn't have a personality at all.

  26. @katysam8151 says:

    Dis movie scared me when I was little girl 10 or 11or 12 shit scared me 😮 won’t forget my dad bought dat dvd At walmart and it scared me and dat next day went to school scared I had nightmares 😦 From watching dis movie here from 🇫🇷🇲🇽🇬🇹

  27. How dare they call this day of the dead. To remake a classic movie like that. Into a steaming pile of shit

  28. this movie still bangs

  29. Fat man: Are u sure its such a good idea MAYBE u SHOULDN'T GO DOWN there! 🤣😂

  30. 1:17:55 let’s get a rip for bud

  31. @BWood1487 says:

    Seriousity killed the bat

  32. This movie is so bad its almost good. If buffy the vampire slayer slayed zombies instead….

  33. I'm not usually into zombie movies but this was pretty good. the characters, the zombies good stuff. ill add it to my collection.

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