The main character was a weak willed pathetic punk who was literally willing to kill people to be popular. She got her karma and honesty She made me hate her. Everyone kept telling her she was wrong and knew the risk but she didn’t stop, even when people she claimed to love died. She was awful. She got off on the power and her wishes weren’t even good ones.
Rodger Ebert I think is an idiot because he gave this movie a one quarter percent for his review. I think he's too old to review movies as a regular movie watcher. I almost did not go see wish upon based on Rodger Ebert. I'm glad I saw it! These people oh frick fuck it.
Good movie
Not Claire being selfish
The main character was a weak willed pathetic punk who was literally willing to kill people to be popular. She got her karma and honesty She made me hate her. Everyone kept telling her she was wrong and knew the risk but she didn’t stop, even when people she claimed to love died. She was awful. She got off on the power and her wishes weren’t even good ones.
Thanks for the upload 🎉 epic movie
Ryan Phillipe plays the dad, thats good enough for me. I give it 7 stars! Definitely worth the watch.
Some of the most awful insipid postmodernist squat-hump pop music ever to be congealed. Yikes.
It wasn't bad.
With the dad dumpster diving at the school she was the one bringing attention to it. She could have just not brought attention to it
Rodger Ebert I think is an idiot because he gave this movie a one quarter percent for his review. I think he's too old to review movies as a regular movie watcher. I almost did not go see wish upon based on Rodger Ebert. I'm glad I saw it! These people oh frick fuck it.
she should've wished Lu Mai's family had not died in the train car, boom
Not the box coming after the sweet cousin
I enjoyed this movie
Semi final destination
I wish Rich Evans was my
That ending was like a scene straight out of naked gun. I legit laughed so hard I cried
RLM brought me here
I’m just here for AP exam prep
RLM sent me here #dumpsterdaddy
this movie is funny😆
I like Joey King in everything I've seen her in. Bullet Train was great! She made the movie/ tied it all together perfectly!
I did my part Red Letter Media. I watched this stupid movie to help make it go viral.
Was PBR a sponsor for this movie…?
@15:19 Rott kill lol
@29:54 Hairpull kill lol
@43:07 Bull kill lol
@1:00:59 2 dumb kills lol
@1:21:44 Car accident kill lol