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Horror High | Full Monster Horror Movie | Horror Central

A monster lurks around a high school in the hypnotized town of Willow Hills and picks off tardy students one by one. Now it is up to an unlikely group of teens to put an end to the terror that has plagued many.

Stars: Julian Tejeda, Quentin “Q” Quarles, Kimberly J. Neri
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Full Slasher Horror Movies | https://bit.ly/3ioZQUL
Full Monsters Horror Movies | https://bit.ly/3iqMlEa
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  1. @devynaaro says:

    the romantic tension between Louis and Alexa are so cute despite this is just a school film..I really like the fact that the roles were very believable and the concept is actually alright. the concept is just a monster movie but the romance aspect and the way that friendship is portrayed in the movie..this movie honestly was a really good movie..

    considering these were done by highschool students, as a college media graduate I can say that these kids should pursue acting as a job or something in film because they have alot of potential to make it in Hollywood or in the film industry.

  2. @devynaaro says:

    I'm gonna be honest tho because Johnny made Louis almost get taken and Louis made Johnny get taken. It makes sense that Jocelyn would target Alexa. However I think this is more of a cause and effect moment because this gives Louis a reason to take down the monster thats attacking the school. It's just I guess Louis didn't realize that they would target his girlfriend…but tbh Louis's actions are justified because Johnny did target him first. Jocelyn just went after Alexa because she was grieving over Johnny.

  3. @louise5906 says:

    Thankyou 💜

  4. How much were you all paid to say this is a good movie?

  5. I laughed so much 😂 it wasn't a horror it was more a comedy 😂

  6. Enjoyable movie. Good acting. Good script. With subtitles. 8/10 🇦🇺✌️

  7. I had not watched this film from Horror angel , Our school days, those friendship, those days of romance with our girls…Oh those days of friendship , I miss those days now at the age of 53, I just can't cintrol my tears watching them….love you all, longlive friendship longlive teenage romance…..just love this film……, Ohhhhhh love that teenage lover couple…..love for this film from country India, from city of kolkata…….

  8. Subscribed your channel

  9. Good movie I like it

  10. Actuaciones fatales de aprendices de actuación el trama se ve pasable

  11. Let fear of unknown,not take advantage of us 🥺🥺you ac

  12. @jason-nt8ho says:

    good movie..see doesnt have to be paramount or mgm or fox to be good well done guys

  13. Not Bad! Not Bad at all !!! I never thought it would be this good! Thought it would be a "B" movie but I was wrong. See it.

  14. Fantástica ,,peli,,,drama ,,,terror compasión y suspenso ,,, intriga,,,,pero un fin excepcional gracias impactante todo su contenido me encanto ,,,, totalmente prohibida Desde Uruguay presente Mary Monteagudo presente abrazozozotes ☁️🇺🇾🤓🌥️🇺🇾🤓🌟💥🤔👩‍🦰💯🤢👽🌐♈🌘🧘💤🥰👽🪐🥶🥳🧘🤔💥👽✨🙄🌦️🤢⭐🥵🤢💯🥰🥵🌐✨💯🧘🥳💖💖💯♈⭐👻🧘🤭💖💖🪐🪐🪐🪐🛸🛸

  15. Es una pelìcula que parece buena, màs no se le puede colocar los subtitulos no se entiende, es preferible no verlo ni colocarle me gusta o no me gusta. Solo salir del sitio. GRACIAS

  16. I love the opening song!!

  17. Love this movie

  18. So confusing even the director wasn't sure what was going on. What do you children see in this? Good monster though.

  19. What was the significance of the coin?


  21. I tried. No. Sooo dull.

  22. @edwardl1622 says:

    Good movie – thanks for posting.

  23. @mlfrazie says:

    What is the song called in the beginning?

  24. @Preppycase says:

    My father made this we are so appreciated of the love that y’all give to this movie

  25. Lol he got him back

  26. Great movie 🎥😁

  27. O traducere în limba română ,plz!

  28. @MayAkane145 says:

    The scream😂

  29. hey this was a very good movie. i liked it. the owen kid was very cute.

  30. Excellent movie I have to watch this again

  31. @BryanLChess says:

    At 1:14 mark, his friend punched him after he said it was his fault. He never explained why it was his fault but he got punched and they told him to leave. Slight mistake because he never said he set Johnny up, he only saud his name.

  32. Who sings the last song? What is it called

  33. Nothing says tough like a dork kid with a manbun

  34. Wow way to ripoff the title from a cult classic too bad this ones trash

  35. What is the bame of the song at the end after the kids where safe

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