Full Movies

The Dustwalker | Sci-Fi | Horror | FULL ENGLISH MOVIE

One by one the residents of a small, isolated town become infected by an insidious bug that turns them into violent, indiscriminate killing machines.

#fullmovie #scifi #horror #scifimovies #gravitasfilms

Directed by: Sandra Sciberras
Starring: Jolene Anderson, Stef Dawson, Cassandra Magrath, Harry Greenwood, Richard Davies, Ben Mortley, Alexandra Nell, John Harvie Morris, Lawrence Murphy & More!

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  1. Well made, well done movie. Super entertaining for a Sunday afternoon. Thanks!

  2. @billrea66 says:

    I have seen this before .

  3. Anthony needs a haircut! Who has hair like that?

  4. @pamelae2372 says:

    Don't really get the ending, but it was a good movie.

  5. I have no clue of what happened?

  6. Whole lotta editing ruined any story line.

  7. For a low budget movie, this wasn't that bad. Some people could use acting tips (not lessons. Tips). But the end song. No. Just, no.

  8. @jz3953 says:

    I don't like zombie's movies.

  9. Horse picky movie😂

  10. @Extra22183 says:

    WHO !☄️!!😮⚡🌩️🪐🗨️🌝 static ⚡🌩️ and the lights out Oh ! CRAP!! I'm already under the bed 🫨🦦🗨️me too ! Scoot over guy? Throw your 👟💨🥀🍃 smelly shoes at what ever did that .🗨️🦦 maybe not? It might throw it back 💨👟☄️👋🏻🪐🗨️half of our planet is dying now Damn shoe !!

  11. This is a weird Fucking movie 😢

  12. @dizzy-ts7gz says:

    I love Aussie movies. Especially the scary ones.
    Intense people living in the outback.

  13. I love Aussie flicks👍😎🙏

  14. @vebnew says:

    Low-budget propaganda film preparing the way for the great deception at the end of this world – – – If you are unwilling to believe in the Creator of Everything; God the Father and His Son; Jesus then you are doomed to be deceived into believing in evolution and ETs (aliens) as our progenitors…. God help us all not to fall victim to this “great deception” in the name of Jesus, Amen! (Psalm 14:1 KJV, Matthew 24:24 KJV, 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 KJV and to avoid deception John 3:16 KJV)

  15. 41 minutes in and they just figure out something is wrong this is slower then the short bus

  16. Are we prepared ?

  17. good movie, but australian obsession with F* word is disgusting and tiring

  18. Very interesting ending

  19. @cufflink says:

    If it's Aussie it's got to be good!😊

  20. I really liked the movie, it was a mixture of creepy sci-fi and horror. The monster's make up and CGI monsters were excellent.
    Thanks for the sharing the movie👍🤗

  21. XRumer23dic says:

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

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