Full Movies

The Last Rite | Full Horror Movie


Lucy, suffering from sleep paralysis, moves in with her boyfriend, when she falls prey to a demonic force. Torn between sanity and the unknown, Lucy is left with no alternative but to contact a local priest, Father Roberts for help.

DIRECTOR: Leroy Kincaide
STARRING: Tara Hoyos-Martinez, Joe James, Johnny Fleming

Samuel Goldwyn Films is a major, independently owned and operated motion-picture company that develops, produces and distributes innovative feature films. The company distributed the 2021 Academy Award®-winning film ANOTHER ROUND, the 2021 Academy Award®-nominated film THE MAN WHO SOLD HIS SKIN and 2022 Academy Award®-nominated film LUNANA: A YAK IN THE CLASSROOM. Upcoming films include IN THE LAND OF SAINTS AND SINNERS starring Liam Neeson and Kerry Condon, THE THREE MUSKETEERS – PART I: D’ARTAGNAN, and COBWEB from Jee-woon Kim.

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  1. Watching here in Pennsylvania USA 🇺🇸 This is a really good movie and worth watching ❤

  2. @bobby9195 says:

    Pretty good movie 😮😅

  3. Hey there Pennsylvania I'm in NC just started watching so I'm gonna take your word for it and see if it's a good movie

  4. Well just finished watching it here in North Carolina and Pennsylvania you were right it is a pretty good movie I liked it and yeah it's worth watching 😮

  5. 💖 this movie will keep you glued to your seat watching from Ontario ,

  6. @Titterlyn says:

    This movie scared me😢

  7. @trueStadia says:

    Comments look good…..I'm in !

  8. They should have made a part 2

  9. We need a part 2 😂😂

  10. @OmarHudson says:

    Chilling. Don't watch alone.

  11. Yes, a good movie – but the scariest thing in that house was the abusive bf. Why she didn't just leave him at the first abusive outburst, I don't know – but then, there wouldn't have been a movie if she did 😀

  12. 🤷‍♀️ I have one question in the Catholic Church. There are no women priests, so what church or religion is this where there's a woman worrying the cloth? Uh, the priest.
    Makes no sense to me at this point🤦‍♀️

  13. I should have watched on a larger screen and paid more attention. This is a good exorcism film. Sadly, the British perform their exorcisms about as well as they season their food.

  14. This movie sucks

  15. This movie is boring

  16. this was freaking awesome…..🖤🖤🖤🐾🐾💞

  17. This was wack 🥱🥱😑😑

  18. love it,thank you

  19. This is one very boring Video, 😴 😒

  20. Every low budget crap possession movie uses the same demon name legion. 72 demons to choose from and its always legion .

  21. This is a super high-quality film. it was fascinating to me that in higher positions people 
    are trying to cover up this matter or not sincerely facing those demons so as not to conduct an exorcism on Lucy.
    I am so impressed with all the castings. They are so perfect and have brilliant acting plus extraordinarily great camera work. also such timely as we have seen deep corruption in reality
    we need to fix the deep corruption we are facing all over the world.
    Thank you so much. God Bless You All.

  22. Good horror movie

  23. it was ok disappointing though , took parts from other movies give it a 2.5 at most

  24. 👌👌👌👌👌

  25. Good movie. I always check comments an hope for best. This actually was good

  26. Excellent Horror Movie 👍 10/10 👍

  27. Very Very good movie,! ❤❤

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