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A gruff bounty hunter travels back in time to 1980s Los Angeles to stop a twisted criminal who can transform people into zombie-like creatures.

Released in 1985 and stars Tim Thomerson, Helen Hunt, and Michael Stefani.

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  1. Blade Runner!
    Tim Thomerson!
    Coca Cola!

  2. @VJFranzK says:

    This music sounds like Synthwave now

  3. Can the bounty hunter bring the council's ancestors back to life?

  4. @evilborg says:

    Helen was so cute when she was younger……………

  5. One night in 1985 I saw a lighted sign on a small building, it looked like a convenient store, the sign said Movie Rentals.. Walked in and asked, "What is this?" She told me.. Left with this movie and 2 others on VHS, and a rented VCR.. I'll Never forget that day.. The 80s.. Great Memories!

  6. That's Deckard's car from Blade Runner parked there on the corner in the opening scene.

  7. That old but modernized 1950's Mercury is super cool!

  8. An excellent film !

  9. @Gene_Cali says:

    Popcorniness abounds in this mishmash of a movie. Put the brain on hold and enjoy. πŸ‘

  10. @ChrisDoss12 says:

    Helen Hunt has baby fat in this movie πŸ˜‚

  11. Strange movie, but OK, I guess.

  12. Love it!❀

  13. @lucas5101 says:

    couldnt get past the first scene

  14. I don't see the comedy in all of this it said comedy this ain't no🌞

  15. The music is really cool. Perfect 80's. It's so good it's making me squirm and flip out.

  16. @jpotter2086 says:

    Holy crap, Helen Hunt fresh out of college.

  17. 13:32….they've got the combobulator! That prop has been in EVERYTHING sci-fi.
    (the big "dounble laser" looking thingy.)

  18. Some story plot issues but all-in-all a good watch. Thanks for sharing, much appreciated!

  19. @HEXLOOM says:

    need this soundtrack

  20. The line – tell me lies , tell me sweet little lies is a song by Fleetwood Mac written by Sally McVie .

  21. "Such conspicuous displays of firearms will not be tolerated!" LOL CA Government in the future hasn't changed a bit!

  22. Helen Hunts best movie!

  23. Love the synths.

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