Classic HorrorFull Movies

The Terror (1963) HD | Boris Karloff & Jack Nicholson | Horror, Thriller | Full Movie

A young officer in Napoleon’s Army pursues a mysterious woman to the castle of an elderly Baron.

Directors: Roger Corman, Francis Ford Coppola
Writers: Leo Gordon, Jack Hill
Stars: Boris Karloff, Jack Nicholson, Sandra Knight & Dick Miller
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery & Suspense, Science Fiction & Fantasy

CCC Chapters:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:49 Jack Nicholson: Lt. Andre Duvalier
00:04:38 All washed up
00:09:17 Heretic healing
00:16:20 Mission to the castle
00:19:12 Arrival at the castle
00:19:58 Boris Karloff: Baron Von Leppe
00:21:38 Dick Miller : Stefan
00:24:32 First night in the haunted castle
00:33:57 Barrage of questions for the Baron
00:37:31 Gustave & Isla
00:39:16 Sefan spies on Katrina the witch
00:43:58 Snooping Andre
00:50:44 Beginning of the end
00:53:38 Come away with me


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  1. Eu tinha 2 anos de idade

  2. @bftdr says:

    'i am a soldier in service of the king.' jack nicholson was able to overcome this schlock.

  3. All that for musty booty …😅

  4. Extremely handsome and it's young Jack for sure, oh, thank you 😊

  5. 3:30 i love these shots… there is something so peaceful. These midday, sun-silhouette shots seem to be a character of the 60s… i LOVE the quality of the picture. Man to be able to use their equipment to make stuff🤔🥹

  6. Embora 1 ano atrasado,o difícil era dormir depois. kkkkk O filme é Show!!!

  7. @mohan2304 says:

    The title is wrong. It is THE TERROR.

  8. @Guitcad1 says:

    Seeing 20-somehting Jack Nicholson, and as a dashing young French officer at that, is just downright surreal.

    And apparently all of Karloff's scenes where shot in two days.

  9. Felt like a movie to be watched at the Drive-in back in the day as part of a double feature. Wish the Drive In would make a comeback. Today's youth don't know what they missed.

  10. Ёмаё круто закручено

  11. El cine ha valorado a los héroes de aventuras, los galanes, los pistoleros, pero no se ha hecho justicia con los villanos del género de terror.
    Hagamos un homenaje a Karloff, Chaney, Vincent Price, Christopher Lee y tantos otros que no nos dejaron dormir en oscuras noches !!!

  12. El audio no siempre cuadra.

  13. El audio está desubicado.

  14. We all know how great Jack Nicholson is, but I wish Boris Karloff were better known with the general public today. The man was a genius actor with tremendous range.

  15. Assistir um filme de terror com um novato Nicholson e ninguém menos que Boris Karloff já é uma experiência cinematográfica.

  16. A Ellie era de barro???

  17. Estupenda película. Muy entretenida.

  18. смотрел его в детстве в сухуми году так в 87м. но в то время название не запомнил. из всех сцен фильма больше всех запомнилась сцена с поцелуем николсона,когда девка превращается в скелета. лет 20 хотел его найти и пересмотреть,но не знал название. только потом на форму,где ищут фильмы, мне подсказали его название по той сценке.

  19. As usual, being a successful man, Boris married a whole battalion of women as his privileged extravagant hobby!

  20. @TruthSurge says:

    Great movie! Guy in uniform walks around castle for 60 minutes!

  21. @TruthSurge says:

    Also, thanks for ruining the end shot with YT links!

  22. @TruthSurge says:

    The last 15 seconds was the only worthwhile thing to watch. Save yourself an hour and 19 min and just FF to the end!

  23. @Sincore24ru says:

    Какой же уродский демон этот николсрон…

  24. " Сиқыршының үиі " деген фильм жазғым келді осыны көріп 😊

  25. @cocobuu13 says:

    Me encantan este tipo de películas de terror antiguas! Gracias por subirla ❤

  26. Oliver Rohrbeck von den Drei ??? Als Synchro für Jack Nicholson, ja ne is klar.

  27. @EngPheniks says:

    Jack Nicholson must've fallen for the lovely Sandra Knight in this movie. They were later married.

  28. In Paris we have free Mental Health Clinics 😂

  29. @kdallas636 says:

    What a stellar cast. Jack and boris❤❤❤❤❤❤

  30. Sandra Knight used to be married to Jack.

  31. Muy mala pelicula y los dialogos descordinados

  32. Scheiss Untertitel!- mitten im Bild! Ihr spinnnt doch!

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