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Possessed | FREE FULL MOVIE | Timothy Dalton | Christopher Plummer | Henry Czerny | Jonathan Malen

Struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder from World War II, a Jesuit priest (Timothy Dalton) must perform an exorcism on a boy (Jonathan Malen) in 1950s St. Louis. Inspired by the true account of a Catholic Church exorcism performed in America, Possessed tells the story that was suppressed for nearly half a century.

⭐️ Starring: Timothy Dalton, Christopher Plummer, Henry Czerny, Jonathan Malen, Michael Rhoades, Shannon Lawson
πŸŽ₯ Directed by: Steven E. de Souza
Possessed (2000)

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Possessed | FREE FULL MOVIE | Timothy Dalton | Henry Czerny | Jonathan Malen

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  1. ⭐ Does Timothy Dalton give a believable performance as the priest? ⭐

  2. It was hilarious… nothing scary as most so-called "horror" shows are. Good actors! The boy did very well and we were entertained. Enjoy it at night because it was a funny show.

  3. You cannot be a man of god & Science Both. Unfortunately most of the people do not understand that "Science" without a prefix is almost meaningless. Do the Natural Sciences, Political Science, and Christian Science are the same??? Natural Sciences and specifically Physical Science are based in a world where Only objective approach works, laws of nature are UNIVERSAL, meaning that they are TIMELESS and SPACELESS, nothing is above the Laws of Nature. God, Devil and Angels are the Imaginations found only in Abrahamic Religions which are nothing but superstitions and so is the story of this film. Actors have done a good job, but they are acting, and that is all.

  4. T. Dalton is so handsome!

  5. This is so cheesy it hurts πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  6. Child labor laws don't apply in Hollywood, where the innocent are " acting " for somethings no child should be involved in. Good gracious, what are these patents thinking? Illuminate πŸ€‘πŸ‘Ή

  7. 30 minutes in and t
    No police? He's back home?? Huh? Did i miss something

  8. Makes you wonder how many of these exorcists were just molesting these poor kids and needed to cover it up

  9. Excellent film! Bravo! Steven de Souza is still one of the best! Writer, director, everything!

  10. Blessed are those who see evil for what it is and face it in the only Name that can drive it away. Very interesting movie. Thanks for posting.

  11. Nefarious please

  12. @zorawoo316 says:

    Since 1976, every film on this topic is a pale copy of the original. God showed it once. Mr. W.Friedkin had that honor. Let's understand all the others, better or worse copies, as the same message.

  13. This movie is a Joke πŸ‘Ž is this a scary movie Lol 🀣

  14. @GO-jv9bb says:

    He did an amazing job as Father Bowdern. Never over the top or unrealistic. Great movie and wonderful cast. Thank you for sharing!

  15. Stupendo mi Γ¨ piaciuto moltissimo πŸ“½πŸŽžπŸŽ¬

  16. That boy was an excellant actor.

  17. @Mivieiraaaa says:

    Que filme, senhores! Que filme! πŸ‘πŸ»

  18. My sister she was 3 yrs older than me..she watched exorcist in cinema and she x many months..woke up shouting she was so scared that she told me not to watched it but i did and nothing happened to me bc while watching i was more concentrated how they filmed it..what method they used while the sala was all shouting πŸ€£πŸ˜‚yes x me exorcist w linda blair was the scariest ..thanks x posting

  19. FAITH in God tru prayers is our defense

  20. Great movie was this movie set in the 1050s

  21. @joebiz4824 says:

    The way the child's father is depicted is irritating. Made to look completely irresponsible in his behavior and leadership. A fool, incapable of any stewardship. Just the response he gives when asked if he was raised a catholic (37:48) says it all.

  22. What a rubbish..πŸ‘Ž

  23. This isn't something I prefer as horror but then each person have different choice it's nice to watch it.

  24. Thanks for uploading this very enjoyable movie. The plot is much closer to what actually happened in Maryland in 1949 than on William Peter Blatty's' novel the Exorcist' and which formed the basis for the script of the 70's famous movie 'The Exorcist'.

  25. @rodrickau says:

    Good film. Thank you. It was the old bag and the occult, and the domestic violence that let the LEGION into the boy. The New Testament tells it all about how Jesus Christ handled evil spirits.

  26. It's engaging and enjoyable to watch, mainly because the actors'

  27. Well, this movie go one thing right. Evil can enter your life when you interact with demons. At the present time, Satan is the god of this world, and he has the power to prove it. Overt demonic display is rare, as his greatest deception is that he doesn't exist.

  28. I like seeing a possessed preteen boy , its always girls

  29. @vino3849 says:

    In Jesus name amen πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ the Power of Almighty God

  30. Dog is eating Human Flesh chewing on a Human Bone, Gross.

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