Full MoviesHorror Sci-Fi

Dark Encounter | Full Sci-Fi Thriller Movie | Alien Abduction

Dark Encounter – A family, grieving from the loss of an 8-year-old child, encounters an eerie, unsettling phenomenon that seems bent on terrorizing themβ€”but these otherworldly beings may also hold the key to the truth behind the girl’s tragic disappearance.
2019. Stars: Laura Fraser, Mel Raido, Sid Phoenix
**Under non-exclusive license from Distribution Solutions/Alliance Entertainment. All rights reserved**

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  1. @pws330tn says:

    Excellent movie

  2. Last time I was abducted my butt hurt for two weeks come to find out it wasn't aliens it was the Obama's Big Mike and Barry

  3. This reminds me of John Walsh. If he would have kept an eye on his son Adam, he would still be alive. He was no hero for the people,he was a lousy father and a dumb ass!

  4. Interesting outcome………

  5. @deguello66 says:

    Waste of time!!!!

  6. @GarsonMaya says:

    The light beings enabled the convergence of the two timelines to overlap,illuminating the truth.
    Many of the 'aliens' are beings of love. Pleadians, aucturians, Sirians, lyrians, etc are assisting us unseen by most. ❀

  7. I am 82 and i have seen them since i was 4 and they are already here they dont want to destroy us but to keep us from destroying ourselves. They could have but they can't..i have to share this i was meditatiΓ±g and found me and spirit walking a long wooded plank we were nearing 3 beings they were huddled over like the football players as we got nearer one of them lifted his head it was hideous i said oh no i don't want to see anymore they are so ugly… spirit said what makes you are not ugly to them they are also God's creation

  8. A standard soap opera. Booted at 17 minutes.

  9. ❀ What a beautiful story. Our universe is so vast that I believe in good and bad aliens. I've had my share of spotting them in the day and nighttime, just the craft. I believe.

  10. I remember seeing this before. I watched it again. Yeah, it's that good πŸ’―

  11. Aliens the CPS of the world πŸ‘½ yes protect the children.

  12. Everything about this movie is just so beautifully constructed and so poignantly acted. Lynn in NYC

  13. @jmej832 says:

    Good! To many ads however on this channel! Greaat movies tho!

  14. @RoySATX says:

    An incredibly well done movie, equal parts horrifying and beautiful. Every character is recognizable and believable, if not in your own family then from a family you know, except for one hopefully. The pain, the sorrow, the fright, it's all portrayed so well it will almost have you feeling you are right there with them. And in the end, you just might believe too.

  15. @joe-9256 says:

    When the next NFL season comes around to abduct your brain, please don't answer the door πŸ™

  16. @joe-9256 says:

    Please stop wasting time living in the moment like insects. You all have the power to change the past and the future. Let's build us a SmartPlanet.

  17. We know they are smart enough to stay away from us πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  18. Very well, written, directed, and acted. Unexpectedly good.

  19. This guy is like Joe Biden!

  20. @newhailman says:

    Horrible sad movie

  21. So they visited her and found that she was missing. They had to figure out what happened to her, and once they did, they showed everyone….😭😭😭😭😭

  22. Movie starts out good…but then cussing and bad acting 😒had to stop watching it.

  23. our first contact may either be with a hostile race or a peaceful race…oppressive or benevolent…we may never know until it happens

  24. This is one of those movies you see one time, that's just me. With that said, extremely well acted and directed with an excellent plot. 5 out of 5 stars making it an excellent movie!!!


  26. There are more planets out there then we have grains of sand on the earth. God loves to create. Wouldn't you think that he has made other being out there?πŸŒβœοΈπŸ‘½

  27. Good movie πŸ‘

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